Nov 21, 2010
Welcome to the Software Process and Measurement Cast 109!
The Seven Deadly Sins popularized by Dante have been used as an analogy for a fallen man’s tendency to sin and as analogy for the ills or risks of many professions. The analogy fits as well for software metrics; focusing attention on the behaviors that could sap your program’s integrity, effectiveness and life span. This paper looks at a set of deadly sins from the point of view of a person or group that is creating or managing a metrics program. In the Software Process and Measurement Cast 109 we explore the how measurement and envy can be interwoven.
Mastering Software Project Management: Best Practices, Tools and Techniques co-authored by Murali Chematuri and myself and published by J. Ross Publishing is available on Amazon now! A recent email sang the praises of "Mastering" like this:
"The book is extremely well written explaining the nuances of pro-active project management and can be used by Project Manager’s at every level including the beginners. Very straight forward, simple in application and easy to adopt."
If you a project manager or know project managers buy yourself a copy and a second to lend co-workers!
Contact information for the Software Process and Measurement
Voicemail: +1-206-888-6111
I recetly corresponed with Bruce Reynolds. Bruce thank me for the podcast and in further conversation he suggested I reach out to arrange an interview with John Hollmann. John Hollmann is the primary author of the Total Cost Management Framework, and is a key contributor to risk forums within the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering, International (
Bruce noted that as a cost estimator, "I've often wondered how or if the IT field would review the practices of the more established engineering professions (AACEI comes to mind) and come up with more established and rigorous risk management processes."
Bruce goes on to state. "that risk is little understood by a surprising number of people. Perhaps if you could do an episode that would cover how risk is handled in estimates (triangular, beta, normal, uniform and other risk distributions come to mind). People should know the difference between the usual suspects of risk versus systemic risk."
"The Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering, International ( is working on developing a certification on risk that in my opinion is more rigorous than the one that PMI has already developed."
I agree and think that this would be a great topic. I will find a way to cover it in the near future!
SPaMCAST 109 will features an interview with Scott Price of
LoadStorm fame. Our discussion focused on load testing but
covered ground that included the whole life testing life