The interview in SPaMCAST 67 is with Murali Chemuturi. Murali
recently had his first book published titled S
oftware Estimation Best Practices, Tools &
Techniques: A Complete Guide for Software Project
Estimators. In this edition of the Software Process
and Measurement Cast we discussed estimation, the book and future
plans. Murali offers a lot of practical advice on estimation
during the interview. Good book, good interview . . . go buy
a copy or two. The link to Amazon is
Murali has over thirty seven years of total experience out of which
about twenty three years in information technology having worked in
TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES for Five and half years and in
years. I had also worked in SATYAM COMPUTER SERVICES LTD., METAMOR
GLOBAL SOLUTIONS LTD. and Vistaar eBusinesses Pvt Ltd.
Designation at the time of final employment was that of Vice
President Software Development at Vistaar e-Businesses Pvt. Ltd.
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show them how to subscribe. Let me know and I will
acknowledge you on the next show!
The essay is a continuation of my essay titled "Traceability: A
Radical Approach Based on User Involvement". Part two
starts to get into the meat of tracability and scalability.
Note I recently received a comment about not having access to the
whole essay immediately. While the whole paper is drafted I
do my final re-write as I record each section therefore the essay
is not really complete until the last part is recorded. It is
the way I write.
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Upcoming Speaking Engagements
ITMPI webinar
Process Improvement in a Multi-Model World
September 15, 2009
11:00 am - 12:30 pm Eastern Time
Model based process improvement typically has centered on a single
model or framework as the lynch pin to control software process
improvement within an organization. The use of a model or framework
is an excellent means of reducing random activity unfortunately one
model does not cover the whole organization. Process improvement
has matured to a point where the span of control needs to be
extended which suggests the use of more than one model (e.g. CMMI,
ISO, ITIL and Business Process Re-engineering to name a few). This
webinar with Tom Cagley will discuss how to manage process
improvement in a complex, multi-model environment.
More information -
ISMA 4 Conference
Boundaries, Boundaries Everywhere
September 15, 2009
9:00 - 9:45 AM
Identifying applications and project boundaries are critical to
accurate and repeatable counts however the rules have a lot of
flexibility. The presentation will evaluate a variety of types of
applications to evaluate the impact of varied perspectives on
application boundaries. The presentation will include at least one
hands-on exercise to drive home the impact of boundaries.
The ISMA conference will be held this September 13-16, 2009 at the
Palmer House Hilton – Chicago, Illinois see
More informaton -
Next Software Process and Measurement Cast:
The interview in show 68 is with Neil Potter of The Process
Group. We talked of CMMI, process improvement and how change
programs fit into economic environment we find ourselves in today
and will again someday in the future.