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Software Process and Measurement Cast

The Software Process and Measurement Cast provides a forum to explore the varied world of software process improvement and measurement.  The SPaMCast covers topics that deal the challenges how work is done in information technology organizations as they grow and evolve.  The show combines commentaries, interviews and your feedback to serve up ideas, options, opinions, advice and even occasionally facts. 


Jan 9, 2008

SPaMCAST SIX Estimation Interview with Michael Bragen

The Software Process and Measurmeent Cast Six continues the the theme arc on estimation with a conversation with Michael Bragen of Software Productivitity Research, LLC (SPR).  This is an interview where having a pencil and paper to take notes will come in handy (at least it did for me and I was there).  

SPR's website is
Mr. Bragen's email address is

The essay in this cast is titled 'An Estimate Is Just A Number, Right?'  It is way too easy to forget that an estimate carries alot of wieght even when it is given off-the-cuff.  The full text version of the essay can be found at

Next Cast:

The next cast will be posted on Sunday April 22 (programing notes on April 15) and will feature an interview with Kenji Hiranabe in which we will talk about using Mind Maps in Agile projects.  The essay I hae planned will be titled 'Whay Are Requirements So Hard To Get Right'.  Your thoughts on the topic as I write the document will be appreciated (afterwards also).

Currently I have four more interviews in the 'can' after Kenji with names that include Finegold, Herron, Ferdinandi and Symons.  Other are being lined up!  If you have a suggestion please let me know at!


IFPUG Spring Workshops and Functional Size Summit
April 22 - 27
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
'Counting New Medias: Blogs, WIKIs, Podcasts and Second Life' (April 24)

Better Software Conference and Expo
June 18 - 21
Las Vegas, Nevada
'When Good Numbers Go Bad' (June 21 at 3 PM)

Contact SPaMCAST at