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Software Process and Measurement Cast

The Software Process and Measurement Cast provides a forum to explore the varied world of software process improvement and measurement.  The SPaMCast covers topics that deal the challenges how work is done in information technology organizations as they grow and evolve.  The show combines commentaries, interviews and your feedback to serve up ideas, options, opinions, advice and even occasionally facts. 


Oct 22, 2017

SPaMCAST 465 features our essay on re-booting teams. Not every team issue can be solved with a standard pallet of techniques. However, nearly every consultant (internal or external) will have set of tools that they have ready just in case. We discuss techniques and impacts!

We will also have a column from Kim Pries (The Software Sensei).  Kim discusses why software structure can be a blessing and a curse. While Kim tends to favor structure there are times when it does not deliver the benefits promised.

Steve Tendon brings Chapter 20 of Tame The Flow: Hyper-Productive Knowledge-Work Performance, The TameFlow Approach and Its Application to Scrum and Kanban  (buy a copy here).  Our discussion of Chapter 20 was passionate and in-depth.  It will be released in two or 3 parts.

A promo!
I am participating in the Agile Online Summit

30 Oct - 3 Nov 2017

At the summit, I talk about the power of storytelling with Tom Henricksen!


For other events SPaMCAST team members will be attending check the recent blog entry titled Upcoming Conferences and Webinars!

Re-Read Saturday News

This week we re-read Action Metrics for Predictability Chapter 1 of Actionable Agile Metrics for Predictability: An Introduction by Daniel S. Vacanti. Chapter 1 of  Daniel S. Vacanti’s Actionable Agile Metrics for Predictability. Chapter 1 is titled Flow, Flow Metrics, and Predictability.  Vacanti jumps directly into the deep end by suggesting a way to answer the age-old question, ”when are you going to deliver?”  Buy your copy today and read along!

Previous Installments

Introduction and Game Plan

Dead Tree Book


Get your copy and begin reading (or re-reading)!

A Call To Action

Can you tell a friend about Software Process and Measurement Cast?  I know you enjoy the podcast and if you are like your friends, so will they.  Tell them about the cast and perhaps show them how to download the podcast

If you interested in promoting your conference or event on the Software Process and Measurement Cast please reach out to us at to discuss how that can happen!


SPaMCAST 466 features our interview with Ross Smith.  Ross and I discussed legacy application modernization.  Legacy application modernization delivers quantitative and qualitative value to organizations. We also discussed why organizations sometimes avoid biting the modernization bullet!

Shameless Ad for my book!

Mastering Software Project Management: Best Practices, Tools and Techniques co-authored by Murali Chematuri and myself and published by J. Ross Publishing. We have received unsolicited reviews like the following: “This book will prove that software projects should not be a tedious process, for you or your team.” Support SPaMCAST by buying the book here. Available in English and Chinese.