Feb 25, 2018
SPaMCAST 483 will feature our essay on measuring the value delivered by agile. The essay begins: “Organizations and teams come to agile—for that matter, any concept, framework or technique—for a wide variety of reasons. Even if we are just the keeping up with the neighbors, we need feedback to know if we have met our goal. We need feedback because—to quote Paul Gibbons, author of The Science of Successful Organizational Change (Re-read Saturday)—“we confuse what we think ought to work” with what does work (quote from SPaMCAST 480).”
Four Agile Value Entries:
Does Agile Deliver Measurable Value?
Does Agile Deliver Value? You Can Prove it!
Measuring The Impact of Change: An Example
Our second column features Steve Tendon who brings his Tame The Flow: Hyper-Productive Knowledge-Work Performance, The TameFlow Approach and Its Application to Scrum and Kanban (buy a copy here) to the cast. Today we complete our discussion of Chapter 21. We have spent extra time on chapters 20 and 21 to get to the heart of the important concepts in these chapters.
In our final column, Jon M Quigley brings his Alpha and Omega of Product Development column to the cast. In this segment, we discuss Agile Culture. Agile is often crippled when organizations don’t spend the time and effort needed to adopt a culture and mindset that incents innovation and productivity.
Re-Read Saturday News
This week we are taking a break to remind you to vote in the poll to pick the next book! Many Bothans died to bring us this poll (Star Wars reference in case you missed the movie)! We will be back next week in full force!
[polldaddy poll=9941343]
Previous Installments
Introduction and Game Plan
Week 2: Flow, Flow Metrics, and Predictability
Week 3: The Basics of Flow Metrics
Week 4: An Introduction to Little’s Law
Week 6: Workflow Metrics and CFDs
Week 8: Conservation of Flow, Part I
Week 9: Conservation of Flow, Part II
Week 11: Introduction to Cycle Time Scatterplots
Week 12: Cycle Time Histograms
Week 13: Interpreting Cycle Time Scatterplots
Week 14: Service Level Agreements
Week 16: Introduction to Forecasting
Week 17: Monte Carlo Method Introduction
Dead Tree Book
Get your copy and begin reading (or re-reading)!
Upcoming Webinars and Conferences
Using Size to Drive Testing in Agile
Tom Cagley & Associates and Sealights Webinar
Tue, Mar 13, 2018 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM EDT
QAI Quest 2018
Three Amigo’s Role in Agile
May 21-25, 2018,
San Antonio, Texas
May 11
Rome, Italy
I will also be at Agile West. More information next week!
SPaMCAST 484 will our interview with Andriy Bas of UPTech. Andriy and his partner have created a firm that has truly embraced the ideas of agile and holacracy to create a highly productive, collaborative and safe environment.