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Software Process and Measurement Cast

The Software Process and Measurement Cast provides a forum to explore the varied world of software process improvement and measurement.  The SPaMCast covers topics that deal the challenges how work is done in information technology organizations as they grow and evolve.  The show combines commentaries, interviews and your feedback to serve up ideas, options, opinions, advice and even occasionally facts. 


Jul 7, 2019

SPaMCAST 554 features our essay on the misuse of the word 'collaboration'. Collaboration is a hallmark of agile techniques, but people confuse collaboration with many other forms of interactions. When that happens everyone gets confused and disheartened. In order to stop the cycle, we identify four attributes to help recognize collaboration.

We'll also hear from Gene Hughson who brings his Form Follows Function Column to the podcast.  In the second part of a three-part series on architects, Gene discusses the role of the solutions architect.  Part One can be found on SPaMCAST 543 - Value Chain, Solution Architects, Essays and Discussions Web Player and Show Notes:

Re-Read Saturday News

Today we dive into the concept of anchors and the impact of anchor bias. This is one of my favorite topics for understanding behaviors in negotiations. Negotiations are all around us whether you are discussing salary, buying a car, or wrestling with a request for an impossible due date.  

Remember, if you do not have a favorite, dog-eared copy of Thinking, Fast and Slow, please buy a copy.  Using the links in this blog entry helps support the blog and its alter-ego, The Software Process and Measurement Cast. Buy a copy on Amazon,  It’s time to get reading!  

 The installments:

Week 1: Logistics and Introduction

Week 2: The Characters Of The Story

Week 3: Attention and Effort

Week 4: The Lazy Controller

Week 5: The Associative Machine

Week 6: Cognitive Ease

Week 7: Norms, Surprises, and Causes

Week 8: A Machine for Jumping to Conclusions - 

Week 9: How Judgement Happens and Answering An Easier Question - 

Week 10:  Law of Small Numbers - 

Week 11: Anchors - 


SPaMCAST 555 will complete our latest set of essays on collaboration.  In this essay, we apply the four attribute model we introduced this week. Having a model is great and it is even better if it can be applied in the real world! 

We will also have a visit from the Software Sensei, Kim Pries.