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Software Process and Measurement Cast

The Software Process and Measurement Cast provides a forum to explore the varied world of software process improvement and measurement.  The SPaMCast covers topics that deal the challenges how work is done in information technology organizations as they grow and evolve.  The show combines commentaries, interviews and your feedback to serve up ideas, options, opinions, advice and even occasionally facts. 


Mar 29, 2020

The SPaMCAST 593 features my interview with Scott Crabtree. Happiness at work might sound squishy, but happiness has rigorous science behind it. Simply put, happiness yields better outcomes both in terms of value delivered and our own perception of our value.

 Scott Crabtree

Scott Crabtree helps people apply science to thrive at work. After earning a degree in cognitive science from Vassar College, he went on to lead the design and development of video games and other software. He discovered the science of thriving (positive psychology and other brain sciences) in 2003 and immediately became a passionate student and teacher of that research. He resigned his senior leadership position at Intel in 2011 to found Happy Brain Science.

When not presenting the science of thriving at work, Scott enjoys playing music and getting into the Oregon wilderness, especially with his wife and two daughters.

Contact Information


Happy Brain Science: 


Re-Read Saturday News 

Today we tackle Chapter 5, Make It Safe - How to Make It Safe to Talk About Almost Anything, from Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, Second Edition by Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, Switzler.  This is the next step in the journey to help the reader participate and guide crucial conversations into dialogues by ensuring that the interaction is safe.


Week 1 - Logistics, Forewards, and Preface - 

Week 2 - Chapter 1: What’s a crucial conversation? And who cares? - 

Week 3 – Chapter 2: The Power of Dialogue  

Week 4 - Chapter 3: Start With Heart - 

Week 5 - Learn To Look -

Week 6 - Make It Safe - 


If you do not have a copy or have tossed it at someone during a crucial conversation, it is time to buy a copy. Please use the link (using the link helps support the blog and podcast).

Book Club Starting Soon

** Only a few seats left ***

Jon M Quigley and I are starting an online book club to read and discuss the classic books that underpin the lean, quality and agile movements.  The name of the book club is “Quality, Agile, and Lean Classic Books: Greatness in the Workplace”. The first book is Out Of The Crisis by Deming (don’t have a copy —

We are starting our dialog on Friday, April 10th and the event will run over 7 sessions (we will avoid as many religious and national holidays as possible). We are only opening 10 seats for each group of sessions. We are changing a one time fee of $3.13 which equates to 4.95 (ish) once Eventbrite factors in their fees to encourage people that sign up to show up.

More information and sign up at 


The SPaMCAST 594 will feature our interview with Daniel Lewis.  Mr. Lewis, author of Behold the Cryptopreneurs, and I talked about how blockchain and cryptocurrencies are changing all types of software development. 


Also, I also have another panel discussion focusing on working from home that should air this week and special video content that should get into the feed over the next few weeks. A little lagniappe because we all deserve it right now.