Nov 22, 2020
The Software Process and Measurement Cast 626 features our interview with Jacob Glenn. Jacob and I began talking about custom software development and then branched into entrepreneurship and leadership. Finding and enabling people are critical skills for building solutions.
Jacob Glenn is a creative and innovative leader with a consistent track record of success leading complex engagements focused on strategy, process, and emerging technologies. As the founder and President of M Genio, he helps lead high-profile, strategic initiatives and creates value at the intersection of business and technology.
Connect with Jacob on LinkedIn at
Check out M Genio at
Re-Read Saturday News
We conclude the re-read of Tame your Work Flow by Steve Tendon and Daniel Doiron, which we began on Saturday, May 23rd. The world has changed a lot as we worked our way through the book. However, there are important ideas in this book that are far less transitory than the changes we’ve seen in 2020 will be. Today we have a few concluding notes!
This week’s installment
Week 21: Final Thoughts -
New to this re-read? Start at the beginning
Week 1: Logistics and Front Matter –
The Software Process and Measurement Cast is the proud media sponsor of the live@manning conference: Math for Data Science to be held on 01 December 2020 12:00 - 5:00 pm EST live on Twitch. Register for FREE for a unique chance to learn from statisticians and math masters: #manningontwitch
The Software Process and Measurement Cast 627 is an essay on collaboration. Collaboration is a word that gets thrown around A LOT in team-oriented environments. I am not sure everyone means the same thing when they use the term.
We will also have a visit from Jon M Quigley and his Alpha and Omega of Product Development column.