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Software Process and Measurement Cast

The Software Process and Measurement Cast provides a forum to explore the varied world of software process improvement and measurement.  The SPaMCast covers topics that deal the challenges how work is done in information technology organizations as they grow and evolve.  The show combines commentaries, interviews and your feedback to serve up ideas, options, opinions, advice and even occasionally facts. 


Feb 7, 2021

This week the Cast features our essay titled, “Collaboration - Disconnected.” The improvement imperative is driven by the need to stay competitive at a holistic level. One would expect that continuous process improvement or continuous improvement would be discussed earnestly at every staff meetings at every level of an organization, and at every meeting. It isn’t.

Jon M. Quigley returns with an installment of the Alpha and Omega of Product Development.  Jon and I completed an arc on product quality with a discussion of the cost of poor quality. 

The Software Process and Measurement Cast is a proud media sponsor of the DevOps Online Summit. 

Not to put too fine a point on it, one of the best ways to get your message heard is to speak.  The crew at the DevOps Online Summit provides a phenomenal platform to network with fellow practitioners from all over the world. Start the journey to speaking at the DevOps Online Summit 2021 by submitting at

Re-Read Saturday News 

On November 28, 2020, we began the reread of Great Big Agile, An OS for Agile Leaders by Jeff Dalton. Since jumping over quite a few chapters last week I have received a few emails asking what was up. For the record, I have not had any significant traumas falling during my daily runs and walks (I was asked – I think tongue in cheek). During the re-read, we primarily focused on the chapters that revolve around the Agile Performance Holarchy (APH). I chose not to focus on the almost encyclopedic listing of techniques that is an important feature of the book, but not most groundbreaking. The listing of techniques is useful even if not using agile methods. For example practices such as continuous integration or arc of conversation aren’t dependent on using a specific framework.

Next week, we will begin Fixing Your Scrum: Practical Solutions to Common Scrum Problems (it is time to buy a copy).

This week’s installment can be found at

Previous installments:

Week 1: Re-read Logistics and Front Matters - 

Week 2: The API Is Broken -

Week 3: Performance Circle: Leading - 

Week 4: Performance Circle: Providing - 

Week 5: Performance Circle: Envisioning - 

Week 6: Performance Circle: Crafting - 

Week 7: Performance Circle: Affirming - 

Week 8: Performance Circle: Teaming - 

Week 9: Using The Agile Performance Holarchy 

Week 10: Final Thoughts - 


In the next podcast, I talk to Paul Clayson.  We talked about serial entrepreneurism and cybersecurity in the IoT space. Cybersecurity in the IoT space is complicated not only by the sheer number of devices and but also by available storage and processing constraints.  It is hard, and Paul provides penetrating advice!