Jan 23, 2022
Today we begin Year 16 with an interview, discussion, conversation -- call it what you like -- with Martin Foster. We covered a ton of ground, including whether the goal of any organization should be to be more agile and the 2021 Business Agility Report. During one segment we discussed the statement, “the impediments are the path.” A wonderful and thought-provoking start to Year 16!
The Open Transformation Playbooks: https://transformationplaybooks.org/
A (very new) initiative to build an open, remixable, body of knowledge for agile organizational transformation. To accompany this episode Martin and TeamForm have launched the first tranche of content.
Martin’s Contact Information:
2021 Business Agility Report: https://bit.ly/3GXfzBJ
TeamForm: https://www.teamform.co/
Email: martin@orchestrated.io
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/martinfoster
Martin’s Bio
Martin is a senior consultant at TeamForm. His passion is working with organizations that are transforming themselves to cross-functional team structures, with all the nuances, benefits, and challenges that this brings. With his past experience as a product owner and engineer, he enjoys bringing data into the people conversation.
Re-Read Saturday News
Week 4 of our re-read of Agile Conversations by Douglas Squirrel and Jeffrey Fredrick tackles Chapter 3: The Trust Conversation. Trust is a requirement for people to work together toward a common goal. Misters Squirrel and Fredrick define trust as aligned stories.
My experiment of the week:
First an update on my experiment from last week. I found that I need to create a job aid for conversational analysis in order to practice the R’s from Chapter 2. I must admit that not preparing for conversational analysis creates a scenario where I am looking back and trying to remember conversations, which makes them more susceptible to bias.
This week I am going to create a job aid for trust conversations, then find two or three scenarios to practice. Practice will include the R’s from Chapter 2.
Week 1: Logistics and Introduction - https://bit.ly/3EZspxT
Week 2: Escaping The Software Factory - https://bit.ly/3HIlivg
Week 3: Improving Your Conversations - https://bit.ly/3ty0nYe
Week 4: The Trust Conversation - https://bit.ly/3ApUrSk
Next week our first essay of Year 16 with thoughts on flow metrics and why focusing on flow is powerful, important, and causes people to run around like their hair is on fire. Hopefully, we can dampen the blaze down a bit.