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Software Process and Measurement Cast

The Software Process and Measurement Cast provides a forum to explore the varied world of software process improvement and measurement.  The SPaMCast covers topics that deal the challenges how work is done in information technology organizations as they grow and evolve.  The show combines commentaries, interviews and your feedback to serve up ideas, options, opinions, advice and even occasionally facts. 


Feb 18, 2024

Part of every profession is the jargon practitioners adopt. Having a language links people together and creates a sense of community. It also creates private gardens: a profession set off from those around it. Jargon is a form of secret handshake. Jargon is a two-edged sword, both gathering and excluding people. Be wary!

We also have a visit from Susan Parente and her Not A Scrumdamentalist column. We discussed her recent mini-sabbatical. Stepping back has the power to clear your mind. 

Slay Work Intake Chaos: Become a Master in 5 Weeks!

Based on Tom Cagley and Jeremy WIllet’s new book Mastering Work Intake, learn to diagnose and solve work intake anti-patterns to stop drowning in work. Work intake is the biggest challenge facing organizations today. If you don’t get work intake right, you won’t be in business for very long.

A 5-week cohort-based course, meeting weekly for an hour, includes teaching, peer feedback & discussion, feedback from the authors, time for Q&A, templates, and an electronic copy of our book, Mastering Work Intake: From Chaos to Predictable Delivery.

Are you ready to commit?  Join our cohort-based workshop. The first cohort is starting on March 1st, 2024. Details at

Re-read Saturday News

This week we tackle two chapters of Actionable Agile Metrics Volume II, Advanced Topics in Predictability. We begin with Chapter 9 - VoP, VoC, and Predictability which sums up Section I, Variability and Predictability. Chapter 10, titled Monte Carlo Simulation, Revisited begins Section II, Advanced Monte Carlo Simulation and Predictability.

Buy a copy and get reading – Actionable Agile Metrics Volume II, Advanced Topics in Predictability.  

Week 1: Re-read Logistics and Preface

Week 2: Wilt The Stilt and Definition of Variation

Week 3: Variation and Predictability  – 

Week 4: Process Behavior Charts Part 1

Week 5: Process Behavior Charts Part 2 

Week 6: How Much Data? 

Week 7: Detecting Signals 

Week 8: XmR Charts and the Four Basic Metrics of Flow 

Week 9: Myths and Other Considerations 

Week 10:VoP, VoC, Predictability, Monte Carlo -  


The Software Process and Measurement Cast 796 our conversation with Roger Turnau. Roger and I will delve deeply into prioritization using the cost of delay. Every organization and team I have ever worked with has a backlog of work and lots of people screaming that their piece of the backlog is the most important. Cost of delay is an important tool to filter out the noise.