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Software Process and Measurement Cast

The Software Process and Measurement Cast provides a forum to explore the varied world of software process improvement and measurement.  The SPaMCast covers topics that deal the challenges how work is done in information technology organizations as they grow and evolve.  The show combines commentaries, interviews and your feedback to serve up ideas, options, opinions, advice and even occasionally facts. 


Aug 12, 2012

Welcome to the Software PRocess and Measurement Cast 120!  120?  I am making sure that all of the boxes are check so today I have found the lost episode. In this episode Jeff Anderson has a review of LeanKit Kanban.  Jeff appeared in the SPaMCAST 196 discussing lean startup for process improvement and kanban.  At the end of his interview Jeff provided a review of LeanKit Kanban.  

In the spirit of full transparency . . . LeanKit has been a sponsor of the SPaMCAST (not this episode) and I hope they are in the future.  I do not believe thier sponsorship influenced the SPaMCAST carrying the review.  

If you are interest in reviewing your favorate tool or book.  Please contact me at  I am looking for positive reviews and one major stipulation is that you can't work for the company that manufactures the tool, act as a primary re-seller of the tool being reviewed or in the case of a book . . . you can't be the author (that would be an interview).

Mastering Software Project Management: Best Practices, Tools and Techniquesco-authored by Murali Chematuri and myself and published by J. Ross Publishing. We have received unsolicited reviews like the following: "This book will prove that software projects should not be a tedious process, neither for you or your team."

Have you bought your copy?

Contact information for the Software Process and Measurement Cast:

Voicemail:  +1-206-888-6111

The Software Process and Measurement Cast 199 will feature my essay on brainstorming and a technique that I think is better.