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Software Process and Measurement Cast

The Software Process and Measurement Cast provides a forum to explore the varied world of software process improvement and measurement.  The SPaMCast covers topics that deal the challenges how work is done in information technology organizations as they grow and evolve.  The show combines commentaries, interviews and your feedback to serve up ideas, options, opinions, advice and even occasionally facts. 


May 19, 2013

Welcome to the Software Process and Measurement Cast 238   

The Software Process and Measurement Cast features my interview with Bram Meyerson.  We discussed benchmarking.  Benchmarking is the process of knowing yourself and it is the first step in process improvement. 

Bram Meyerson is the founder and CEO of QuantiMetrics and QVIP. He holds a double major BSc degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science and an Honours degree in Computer Science, both from the University of the Witwatersrand.

For the last 20 years, Bram has managed and delivered a range of assessment and benchmarking services. In this role, Bram has worked closely with CIOs, IS directors and systems development managers in assessing, benchmarking and optimising their project performance. Currently much of this activity involves the ongoing independent assessment and benchmarking of supplier (outsourced) performance on behalf of IT user organisations.  


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The Daily Process Thoughts is my project designed to deliver a quick daily idea, thought or simple smile to help you become a better change agent. Each day you will get piece of thought provoking text and a picture or hand drawn chart to illustrate the idea being presented. The goal is to deliver every day; rain or shine, in sickness or in health or for better or worse! Check it out at

Shameless Ad for my book! 

Mastering Software Project Management: Best Practices, Tools and Techniques co-authored by Murali Chematuri and myself and published by J. Ross Publishing. We have received unsolicited reviews like the following: "This book will prove that software projects should not be a tedious process, neither for you or your team."


Have you bought your copy?

Contact information for the Software Process and Measurement Cast

Voicemail:  +1-206-888-6111

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The Software Process and Measurement Cast 239 will feature my essay on commitment. Committed individuals are the building blocks for building committed teams.  While teams are generally required for achieving results in software development, individuals are never optional.