Nov 5, 2007
Software Process and
Show 21!
Show 21
features an interview with Miranda Mason of Accenture on metrics
consulting and sourcing programs. The interview
has a ton of information on how to make metrics programs useful and
how to approach sourcing these kinds of programs. MS Mason is the
global Performance Management and metrics lead for Accenture’s
Outsourcing practice. She has extensive experience in IT metrics,
Balanced Scorecards, Six Sigma, and application outsourcing.
Miranda lives in Denver with her husband and 3 year old
The essay is titled “Marine Corp Marathon 10k and Process Improvement, One Year Later . . ." The text of this commentary can be found at Comments and corrections are welcome!
Remember that comments and feedback are welcome!
There are a number of ways to share your thoughts . .
Future Events:
On Tuesday November 13th I am presenting Traceability: A Proposal for a Scalable Approach, Agile To Formal at the Fourth Annual International Conference on Software Process Improvement in Orlando. Information can be found at On November 16th I will be delivering a tutorial titled “Implementing an Effective Measurement Program." Spamcast listeners should let me know if you are coming and we can schedule a meet up.
Next Software Process and Measurement Cast:
The next
Software Process and Measurement Cast will feature a brilliant
interview with Joe Levens of Wolters Kluwer on configuration
management (CM).