Sep 4, 2016
Special Note - SPAMCAST 409 was due to be posted last week, but bad things happened to my main computer and my backup decided to air-gap itself from the Internet. That said, #409 is going up a week later so the Re-read Saturday news is a week out of date. This week we talk about Chapters 22 and 23. I have declared that last weekend was a very stressful vacation from posting. Now the show goes on!
In Software Process and Measurement Cast 409, we feature our essay on advice I recently provided to a listener to the podcast on whether a team is really one or two teams. While the essay is a result of answering a friend’s question, the ideas in the essay can be applied when you are building any sort of team.
Our second column this week features a visit to Jeremy Berriault’s QA Corner. Jeremy and I discussed how QA should communicate with other leaders in the organization. In the third and final column, Jon M. Quigley begins a three-part arc on requirements in “The Alpha-Omega of Product Development.” This week on discusses the elicitation of requirements.
Re-Read Saturday News
This week we continue our re-read of Kent Beck’s XP Explained, Second Edition with a discussion of Chapters 20 and 21. Chapter 20 is a discussion of applying XP. The short version is that there is no one perfect way to apply XP, which dovetails nicely with Chapter 21 which addresses the concept of purity and certification. IF there is no one perfect way to apply XP, how can there be an absolute litmus test for XP purity?
Use the link to XP Explained in the show notes when you buy your copy to read along to support both the blog and podcast. Visit the Software Process and Measurement Blog ( to catch up on past installments of Re-Read Saturday.
Next we are going to read The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. This will be a new book for me, therefore an initial read, not a re-read! Steven Adams suggested the book and it has been on my list for a few years. Click the link (The Five Dysfunctions of a Team), buy a copy, and in a few weeks we will begin to read the book together.
In the next Software Process and Measurement Cast, we will feature our interview of Jessica Long. Jessica and I discussed storytelling. Storytelling is useful in all types of organizations for both projects and as a tool in organizational transformations.
Jessica and I will both be presenting on using stories at the Agile Philly, Agile Tour 2016 on October 10th. If you are in the Philadelphia area please register and attend!
Shameless Ad for my book!
Mastering Software Project Management: Best Practices, Tools and Techniques co-authored by Murali Chematuri and myself and published by J. Ross Publishing. We have received unsolicited reviews like the following: “This book will prove that software projects should not be a tedious process, for you or your team.” Support SPaMCAST by buying the book here. Available in English and Chinese.