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Software Process and Measurement Cast

The Software Process and Measurement Cast provides a forum to explore the varied world of software process improvement and measurement.  The SPaMCast covers topics that deal the challenges how work is done in information technology organizations as they grow and evolve.  The show combines commentaries, interviews and your feedback to serve up ideas, options, opinions, advice and even occasionally facts. 


Sep 20, 2020


The Software Process and Measurement Cast 617 features our essay on rediscovering productivity.  One of the tools I have embraced is Pomodoro. It is a great approach to staying focused and helps unwonkify time in my home office!

Also this week, Susan Parente brings her “Not A Scrumdamentalist” column to the Software Process and Measurement Cast! Susan begins a three-part series on grateful leadership.  Grateful leadership is so much more than just saying thank you.

In between the essay and Susan’s column, we have a promo for the Agile Online Summit 2020.

Re-Read Saturday News 

Chapter 15 of Tame your Work Flow, introduces the concept of a MOVE, which stands for Minimal Outcome-Value Effort. Steve and Daniel use the construct to help define an atomic level of value delivery that is both minimalistic and sufficient. MOVE, while not replacing the myriad Mxx acronyms (e.g. minimal viable product or minimal marketable product), it provides a mental model for defining items in your portfolio backlog that is focused on throughput accounting.

Have you bought your copy of  Steve Tendon and Daniel Doiron’s  Tame your Work Flow?  Use the link to support the authors and blog!  

Week 1: Logistics and Front Matter

Week 2: Prologue (The Story of Herbie) –

Week 3: Explicit Mental Models 

Week 4: Flow Efficiency, Little’s Law and Economic Impact 

Week 5: Flawed Mental Models  

Week 6: Where To Focus Improvement Efforts 

Week 7: Introduction to Throughput Accounting and Culture 

Week 8: Accounting F(r)iction and  Show Me the Money 

Week 9: Constraints in the Work Flow and in the Work Process - 

Week 10: Understanding PEST Environments and Finding the Constraint in PEST Environments - 

Week 11: Drum-Buffer-Rope Scheduling - 

Week 12: Portfolio Prioritization and Selection in PEST Environments - 

Week 13: Flow Efficiency, DBR, and TameFlow Kanban Boards - 

The Software Process and Measurement Cast is a proud sponsor of the following events!

Rust Conference

Let’s talk about #Rust! Sep 15, at the live@Manning conference; in one Rust-full day go from ways to learn it, to where and how to use it; from game-dev to aerospace and beyond, right from the pincers of expert Rustaceans.

Women in Tech Conference

Learn, be inspired, and connect with others working to advance inclusion in the technology industry with another live@Manning event. The “Women in Tech” online conference will be held on Oct 13, starring women that are rocking the tech boat! 

Agile Online Summit 2020

The Agile Online Summit was created for people who couldn’t attend major conferences. This will be its third year, and the main goal is to bring major level agile speakers to people all over the world as well as spotlight some up and coming agile coaches and trainers.  October 26th to 30th, 2020, Live and recorded too. 


The Software Process and Measurement Cast 618 will feature a discussion I had with Mike King and Beth Leonard earlier this year.  We discussed the changing work environment, process, and quality.  A hard-hitting discussion with two great minds!