Jun 27, 2010
Welcome to the Software Process and Measurement Cast 88!
The interview in the SPaMCAST 88 features a discussion with Naomi Karten. We discussed her book Changing How You Manage and Communicate Change. This book is another game changer!
Naomi Karten (http://www.nkarten.com) is well-known for delivering serious material...
Jun 25, 2010
I recently presented at Podcamp Ohio the resentation was titled Podcasting To A Niche Market and subtitled The Software Process and Measurement Cast: A Retrospective Part 1. I have posted the presentation on SlideShare at:
Jun 13, 2010
Welcome to the Software Process and Measurement Cast 87!
The interview in the SPaMCAST 87 features a discussion with Hans Sassenberg. We talked about his paper "Affordable Software Quality Assessment" and why typical process improvement programs are not enough.
Dr. Hans Sassenburg received a Master of Science degree...