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Software Process and Measurement Cast

The Software Process and Measurement Cast provides a forum to explore the varied world of software process improvement and measurement.  The SPaMCast covers topics that deal the challenges how work is done in information technology organizations as they grow and evolve.  The show combines commentaries, interviews and your feedback to serve up ideas, options, opinions, advice and even occasionally facts. 


Nov 30, 2014

SPaMCAST 318 features our interview with Rob Cross.  Rob and I discussed his InfoQ article “How to Incorporate Data Analytics into Your Software Process.”  Rob provides ideas on how the theory of big data can be incorporated in to big action that provides “ah-ha” moments for executives and developers alike.

Nov 23, 2014

SPaMCAST 317 tackles a wide range of frequently asked questions, ranging from the possibility of an acceleration trap, the relevance of function points, whether teams have a peak loads and safe to fail experiments. Questions, answers and controversy!

We will also have the next installment of Kim Pries’s column,...

Nov 16, 2014

SPaMCAST 316 features a return visit from Dr. David Rico. We talked about the cost of quality and Agile. Does Agile impact the cost of quality? The cost of quality is a measure of the time and cost that is required to ensure that what is delivered meets quality standards. Dr. Rico walks us through the evidence that not...

Nov 9, 2014

SPaMCAST 315 features our essay on Scrum Masters.  Scrum Masters are the voice of the process at the team level.  Scrum Masters are a critical member of every Agile team. The team’s need for a Scrum Master is not transitory because they evolve together as a team.

In this edition of the Software Process and...

Nov 2, 2014

SPaMCAST 314 features our interview with Janet Gregory and Lisa Crispin.  We discussed their new book More Agile Testing. Testing is core to success in all forms of development.  Agile development and testing are no different. More Agile Testing builds on Gregory and Crispin’s first collaborative effort, the...