Feb 28, 2016
Software Process and Measurement Cast 383 features our essay on peer reviews. Peer reviews are a tool to remove defects before we need to either test them out or ask our customers to find them for us. While the data about the benefits of peer reviews is UNAMBIGUOUS, they are rarely practiced well and often turn into...
Feb 21, 2016
Software Process and Measurement Cast 382 features our interview with Ben Linders. Ben revisits the Software Process and Measurement Cast to discuss his recent series of articles on targeting, finding, and eradicating impediments. Ben discussed a platform for continuous process improvement that delivers...
Feb 14, 2016
Software Process and Measurement Cast 381 features our essay on Agile adoption. Words are important. They can rally people to your banner or create barriers. Every word communicates information and intent. There has been a significant amount of energy spent discussing whether the phrase ‘Agile transformation’...
Feb 7, 2016
Software Process and Measurement Cast 380 features our interview with Kim Robertson. Kim and I talked about big picture configuration management. Without good configuration managements work, products, and programs often go wildly astray. Kim describes the a process that is as old a dirt . . . but WORKS and delivers...