Jan 27, 2014
Check out Software Process and Measurement Cast 274. The SPaMCAST 274 features our interview with Jeremy Berriault. We talked about testing, test professionalism and testing in academia. Sometimes it is easy to forget that testing is one of the primary tools to manage quality in software development and that...
Jan 26, 2014
Dear Software Process and Measurement Cast Listeners,
The Software Process and Measurement Cast 274 may not be published this week. I can’t get the podcast to upload and publish (neither can two other people). I have filed a tech support ticket and will keep you updated.
Jan 19, 2014
Check out Software Process and Measurement Cast
273. The SPaMCAST 273 features our essay on gamification and
a new installment of Steve Tedon's column: Tame The Flow.
Gamification is a tool to support process improvement. It is a technique that leverages a player's innate competitive drive to channel their...
Jan 12, 2014
Welcome to the Software Process and Measurement Cast 272. The SPaMCAST 272 features my interview with Jeff Anderson. We talked about The Lean Change Method and the book of the same title!
Jeff's Bio:
My mission in life is to help technology knowledge workers be awesome at what they do. Having been in the market since...
Jan 5, 2014
Welcome to the Software Process and Measurement Cast 271. The SPaMCAST 271 features our essay titled Revisiting the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. As this is the first new podcast of 2014 we felt that it a good time to reflect and retool with a bit of Stephen Covey!. The essay begins:
Approximately 23 years...