Mar 26, 2017
The Software Process and Measurement Cast 435 features our interview with Allan Kelly. Our discussion touched on the concepts behind #NoProjects. Allan describes how the concept of a project leads to a number of unintended consequences. Those consequences aren’t pretty.
Allan makes digital development teams more...
Mar 19, 2017
The Software Process and Measurement Cast 434 features our essay on Change Implementations - To Big Bang or Not To Big Bang? The knee jerk reaction amongst transformation leaders is usually a loud NO! However, the answer is not nearly that cut and dry. Big Bang approaches to change have a place in bag of tricks...
Mar 12, 2017
The Software Process and Measurement Cast 433 features our interview with Jeff Dalton discussing holacracy. defines holacracy as, “a complete, packaged system for self-management in organizations. Holacracy replaces the traditional management hierarchy with a new peer-to-peer “operating system” that...
Mar 5, 2017
The Software Process and Measurement Cast 433, an interview with Jeff Dalton is delayed. I had anticipated recording the introductory material for the interview with Jeff Dalton in my hotel room in Mumbai. However, the microphone broke during my flight to India and rather than shouting into the built-in microphone in my...