Jun 25, 2017
SPaMCAST 448 features our essay on uncertainty. Al Pittampalli said, “uncertainty and complexity produce anxiety we wish to escape.” Dealing with uncertainty is part of nearly everything we do our goal should be to address uncertainty head on.
The second column features Steve Tendon talking about Tame The Flow: Hyper-Productive Knowledge-Work Performance, The TameFlow Approach and Its Application to Scrum and Kanban published J Ross (buy a copy here). We tackle Chapter 18.
Our third column is the return of Jeremy Berriault and his QA Corner. Jeremy discusses leading in QA. Jeremy blogs at https://jberria.wordpress.com/
Re-Read Saturday News
Chapter 10 concludes our re-read of Holacracy: The New Management System for a Rapidly Changing World by Brian J. Robertson which was published by Henry Holt and Company in 2015. This week's chapter is titled, The Experience of Holacracy. In this chapter, Robertson wraps up most of the loose ends. Next week we will conclude this re-read with some final comments and thoughts.
Catch up on the all of the Holacracy entries:
Week 1: Logistics and Introduction
Week 3: Distribution Authority
Week 4: Organizational Structure
Week 7: Facilitating Governance
Week 8: Strategy and Dynamic Control
Week 10: Moving Toward Holacracy
Week 11: Experience of Holacracy
In two weeks we will begin the next book in our Re-read series, The Science of Successful Organizational Change. (I ordered my copy have you?). Remember to use the link to buy a copy in order to support the podcast and blog. The reread will be led by Steven Adams. I am looking forward to sitting on the other side of the table during the next re-read! Visit the Software Process and Measurement Cast blog to participate in this and previous re-reads.
A Call To Action
If you even got a single new idea this week while listening to the podcast, please give the SPaMCAST a short, honest review in iTunes, Stitcher or wherever you are listening. If you leave a review please send a copy to spamcastinfo@gmail.com. Reviews help guide people to the cast!
SPaMCAST 449 will feature our interview with Jasveer Singh. We discussed his new book, Functional Software Size Measurement Methodology with Effort Estimation and Performance Indication. Jasveer, proposes a new sizing methodology for estimation and other measurement processes.
Shameless Ad for my book!
Mastering Software Project Management: Best Practices, Tools and Techniques co-authored by Murali Chematuri and myself and published by J. Ross Publishing. We have received unsolicited reviews like the following: “This book will prove that software projects should not be a tedious process, for you or your team.” Support SPaMCAST by buying the book here. Available in English and Chinese.