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Software Process and Measurement Cast

The Software Process and Measurement Cast provides a forum to explore the varied world of software process improvement and measurement.  The SPaMCast covers topics that deal the challenges how work is done in information technology organizations as they grow and evolve.  The show combines commentaries, interviews and your feedback to serve up ideas, options, opinions, advice and even occasionally facts. 


Jun 18, 2023

SPaMCAST 760 will feature an interview with Jonathan Hensley, Founder & CEO at EMERGE. Jonathan and I talked about digital transformations and engagement. The core boils down to people and alignment. This was an extremely refreshing interview!  Let me know what you think.

Jonathon Hensley is co-founder and CEO of Emerge, a digital product consulting firm that works with companies to improve operational agility and customer experience. For more than two decades, Jonathon has helped startups, Fortune 100 brands, technology leaders, large regional health networks, non-profit organizations and more, transform their businesses by turning strategy, user needs and new technologies into valuable digital products and services. Jonathon writes and speaks about his experiences and insights from his career, and regularly hosts in-depth interviews with business leaders and industry insiders. He lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and two boys. (Company) (Company) (Mobile First Podcast)

Re-Read Saturday News

First things second!  Help me pick the next batch of books to be re-read. Pick two books from the poll below or email me at if you have a different suggestion.

Back to first things! We completed our re-read of Team Topologies: Organizing Business And Technology Teams For Fast Flow this week. If you have (or ever will have) any input into how teams are formed and maintained you need to read this book at least once.

PS - buy a copy because you can’t borrow mine!  

All of the Team Topologies re-read installments:

Week 1: Front Matter and Logistics 

Week 2: The Problem With Org Charts 

Week 3:  Conway’s Law and Why It Matters 

Week 4: Team First Thinking 

Week 5: Static Team Topologies 

Week 6: The Four Fundamental Team Topologies (Part 1) 

Week 7: The Four Fundamental Team Topologies (Part 2) 

Week 8: Choose Team-First Boundaries

Week 9: Team Interaction Modes - 

Week 10: Evolve Team Structures with Organizational Sensing - 

Week 11: Conclusion - 



In the Software Process and Measurement Cast 761, we will continue our exploration of critical thinking. In this installment, we will examine several of the attributes of critical thinking.

We will also have a visit from the QA Corner.  Mr. Berriault brings his wisdom to the podcast.