Sep 25, 2011
Welcome to the Software Process and Measurement Cast 153!
A funny thing happened on the way to the Software Process and Measurement Cast 153, I was distracted by a nice shiny idea therefore we have a short essay titled, "Impetus for Change". Because this essay was short I have included an essay from SPaMCAST 8 (May...
Sep 18, 2011
Welcome to the Software Process and Measurement Cast 151!
The SPaMCAST 152 will features an interview with Ron Rosenhead. We discussed all things project management! Are you a project manager, know a project manager or are looking for project management training? This interview is for you!
Ron's Bio:
Sep 11, 2011
Welcome to the Software Process and Measurement Cast 151!
The SPaMCAST 151 features my essay Urgency and Importance: A Balance? Today's world is complicated. The lines between home and work have all but been erased due to tools that provide 24x7 connections and data feeds. The competition for our attention is...
Sep 4, 2011
Welcome to the Software Process and Measurement Cast 150!
The SPaMCAST 150 features my interview Yuval Yeret. We discussed Kanban, Agile, life, the universe and everything. Ok I might have gotten a bit carried away but only a bit.
SPAMCast listener ordering an AgileSparks Assessment and Management Focusing workshop by...