Jul 20, 2014
SPaMCAST 299 features our essay on systems thinking. Many process improvement programs falter despite our best efforts because they don't improve the overall performance of IT. The impact of fixing individual processes can easily get lost in the weeds, the impact overtaken by the inertia of the overall...
Nov 6, 2011
Welcome to the Software Process and Measurement Cast 159!
The SPaMCAST 159 features my essay titled, Systems Thinking and Process Improvement. The essay begins:
Many process improvement programs falter when, despite best efforts, they don't improve the overall performance of IT. The impact of fixing individual...
Oct 9, 2011
Welcome to the Software Process and Measurement Cast 155!
The SPaMCAST 155 features the first part of my essay Systems Thinking and Process Improvement: Systems and Systems Thinking, Part 1. A short part of a larger essay (flying today to Ireland). The essay begins:Have you ever researched, prototyped, piloted and...