Jan 12, 2020
SPaMCAST 581 features a discussion on whether most agile transformations have provided teams with the technical skills to be successful with agile. Kim Pries, the Software Sensei, Jeremy Berriault, QA Corner, and I had a wide-ranging discussion covering experimentation, learning and both personal and management...
Mar 11, 2018
SPaMCAST 485 features essay titled “A Simple Checklist for Choosing a Mentor.” Everyone needs a mentor, but they are hard to find, and even when you find someone willing they might not be the right person! Enter: a checklist!
Blog entries (in case you would rather read the entries) in our recent coaching/mentor...
Feb 11, 2018
SPaMCAST 481 will feature our essay on the Life Cycle of A User Story. A user story - a brief, simple requirement statement from the user’s perspective - tends to follow a loose life cycle. That life often begins even before the word ‘user story’ gets mentioned and typically by people that don’t understand (or...