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Software Process and Measurement Cast

The Software Process and Measurement Cast provides a forum to explore the varied world of software process improvement and measurement.  The SPaMCast covers topics that deal the challenges how work is done in information technology organizations as they grow and evolve.  The show combines commentaries, interviews and your feedback to serve up ideas, options, opinions, advice and even occasionally facts. 


Jan 28, 2024

Happy Birthday to the Software Process and Measurement Cast.  Today we begin year 18 with our interview with Gil Broza. Gill and I discussed his new book, Deliver Better Results: How to Unlock Your Organization’s Potential. The book is available NOW! I am excited by the ideas in the book and I think you will be also. ...

Jan 21, 2024

With SPaMCAST 791 we complete Year 17 with our interview with Vinnie GIl. Vinnie and I talked about conferences and staying connected with the Agile Community. One of the topics we covered was the value of conferences and meetups to the community and individuals—a great way to complete year 17.


Vinnie's Picture

Vinnie puts people...

Jan 14, 2024

SPaMCAST 790 features our interview with Stefan Wolpers. Stefan and I talked about the Scrum Master's role in the 21st Century, his new book The Scrum Anti-Patterns Guide (buy a copy), and remembering that it's all about people.

Stefan’s Bio:

Embarking on a Scrum career unintentionally in 2006, Stefan was initiated as...

Jan 7, 2024

As a coach and mentor, I often observe meetings and events so I can debrief with the person(s) I am coaching afterward and provide them with a different perspective. I was involved in observing a planning session in which a stakeholder stated, “Combine these two items, they are similar, and only count it as one toward...