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Software Process and Measurement Cast

The Software Process and Measurement Cast provides a forum to explore the varied world of software process improvement and measurement.  The SPaMCast covers topics that deal the challenges how work is done in information technology organizations as they grow and evolve.  The show combines commentaries, interviews and your feedback to serve up ideas, options, opinions, advice and even occasionally facts. 


Nov 29, 2020

The Software Process and Measurement Cast 627 features our essay on collaboration.  Collaboration is a word that gets thrown around A LOT in team-oriented environments. I am not sure everyone means the same thing when they use the term.

This week we also have a visit from Jon M Quigley and his Alpha and Omega of...

Nov 22, 2020

The Software Process and Measurement Cast 626 features our interview with Jacob Glenn.  Jacob and I began talking about custom software development and then branched into entrepreneurship and leadership. Finding and enabling people are critical skills for building solutions.  

Jacob Glenn is a creative and innovative...

Nov 15, 2020

The Software Process and Measurement Cast 625 features our interview with Drew Angell. Drew and I talk about web development, software development excellence, and how to find great developers. Being good is more than just excellence in coding -- listening and problem-solving are also needed which has led Drew to...

Nov 8, 2020

Software Process and Measurement Cast 624 is structured a little differently. We begin with the conclusion of a three-column arc on grateful leadership from Susan Parente’s Not A Scrumdamentalist Column. In this installment, Susan and I discuss how servant leadership, commonly practiced by agilists, can combine with...

Nov 1, 2020

The Software Process and Measurement Cast 623 features my interview with Christian “Dr. Lambda” Clausen, author of  Five Lines of Code from Manning Publications. Dr. Lambda delivers advice on why refactoring is a necessity and how to refactor effectively.  Clean code is not an option, refactoring is a requirement...