Feb 25, 2018
SPaMCAST 483 will feature our essay on measuring the value delivered by agile. The essay begins: “Organizations and teams come to agile—for that matter, any concept, framework or technique—for a wide variety of reasons. Even if we are just the keeping up with the neighbors, we need feedback to know if we have met...
Feb 18, 2018
Software Process and Measurement Cast 482 features our interview with Natalie Warnert. We talked about the diversity of voice, thoughts and ideas and Women in Agile. Developing ideas and solving problems is the reason for software development, project management, process improvement, business systems analysis --...
Feb 11, 2018
SPaMCAST 481 will feature our essay on the Life Cycle of A User Story. A user story - a brief, simple requirement statement from the user’s perspective - tends to follow a loose life cycle. That life often begins even before the word ‘user story’ gets mentioned and typically by people that don’t understand (or...
Feb 4, 2018
SPaMCAST 480 features our interview with Paul Gibbons. Paul and I had a wide-ranging discussion that began with his wonderful book The Science of Successful Organization Change (Buy a copy now and then enjoy the re-read we held on the Software Process and Measurement Cast blog), and led us to the broader...