Sep 8, 2019
SPaMCAST 563 is part one of my conversation with Steve Tendon and Daniel Dioron. We discussed their new book Tame Your Work Flow. Steve and Daniel share deep insights into applying Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints in the real world. After you have listened to the conversation you will never view the flow of work as an esoteric topic. Steve, Daniel, and I had a wide-ranging conversation, I decided to ignore my own guideline on two-part interviews and let the tape run (metaphorically). We will return with part 2 next week.
Steve Tendon’s Bio
With a background in software engineering (in his early career he lead the development of software applications in diverse fields, like banking, health care, legal, human resources, and more), Steve is the creator of the TameFlow ® Approach, a systems thinking approach for creating breakthrough performance innovation in knowledge-intensive digital businesses. The TameFlow Approach has been developed and used with great success since 2003, across numerous industries. Steve holds MSc in Software Project Management with the University of Aberdeen, an MIT Fintech Innovation: Future Commerce certificate with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and an Oxford Blockchain Strategy Programme certificate with the Oxford Saïd Business School.
Daniel Dioron’s Bio
Daniel has been involved in IT since 1981 in a wide range of roles and responsibilities, primarily in client-facing consulting projects covering the government, banking, insurance, and telecom industries to name a few. Daniel’s involvement with Agile started with Scrum in 2005 and more recently with Kanban and Management 3.0.
Daniel is heavily involved with Steve Tendon’s TameFlow method. He is proficient with working expertise in Finance/Accounting/Managerial control (MBA-CPA-CMA), Agility (CSP), Project Management (PMP), Kanban (CKC and CKP) coupled with 38 years in IT (Bachelor studies & career).
He loves systems, enjoys measuring improvement while embracing teamwork that actually works! For Tameflow Training, visit
Re-Read Saturday News
Part 3 of Thinking, Fast and Slow is titled Overconfidence. Chapter 19 begins by exploring several biases that affect overconfidence. Earlier in the book, we explored how System 1 thinking connects events to generate a coherent story. This chapter begins by building on the attributes of fast thinking by stating that humans interpret behavior as a manifestation of general propensities and personal traits. One of the classic biases that cause this type of thinking is the halo effect. I overheard an example of a negative halo effect this week as I walked behind a group of people in Chicago. The group, tourists, pointed at a person sleeping rough along the river and exclaimed that the person was lazy. One attribute of the person’s behavior was generalized into a larger narrative.
Remember, if you do not have a favorite, dog-eared copy of Thinking, Fast and Slow, please buy a copy. Using the links in this blog entry helps support the blog and its alter-ego, The Software Process and Measurement Cast. Buy a copy on Amazon, It’s time to get reading!
The installments:
Week 1: Logistics and Introduction –
Week 2: The Characters Of The Story –
Week 3: Attention and Effort –
Week 4: The Lazy Controller –
Week 5: The Associative Machine –
Week 6: Cognitive Ease –
Week 7: Norms, Surprises, and Causes –
Week 8: A Machine for Jumping to Conclusions -
Week 9: How Judgement Happens and Answering An Easier Question -
Week 10: Law of Small Numbers -
Week 11: Anchors -
Week 12: The Science of Availability -
Week 13: Availability, Emotion, and Risk -
Week 14: Tom W’s Speciality -
Week 15: Linda: Less Is More -
Week 16: Causes Trump Statistics -
Week 17: Regression To The Mean -
Week 18: Taming Intuitive Predictions —
Week 19: The Illusion of Understanding -
SPaMCAST 564 will feature part 2 of our interview with Steve Tendon and Daniel Dioron discussing their new book Tame Your Work Flow. Steve and Daniel continue to share deep insights into applying the Theory of Constraints in the real world.